Specialties of the Bird of Paradise issue 1991 - 1994

From 1991 to 1994 a very beautiful stamp issue with Birds of Paradise was released.

Papua Neuguinea Briefmarken Paradiesvogel
Papua New Guinea stamps bird of paradise

Four values of this issue do exist with an upper case "T" for the value.



On the occasion of the 1994 Hong Kong Stamp Exhibition a se-tenant printing of some of these stamps with a label was issued. As a specialty the stamps from the se-tenant printing do not show a printing date at the bottom of the stamp.

official information

The original printing of some values sold out quickly. Reprints were ordered from the printer. A specialty of the reprints is that the printing date at the bottom was changed, and that the four corners of the sheet were decorated with small figures, which are known as kapuls in PNG. The first reprint has one kapul, the second reprint two kapuls, etc.
The 21 toea value - the then current rate for the standard letter - was even reprinted four times. Therefore corner pieces with four kapuls do exist.

Here you find the catalogue and the current pricelist of the kapuls.
