Catalogue Correlation Michel - Stanley Gibbons - Scott - ASC

Today we are able to buy and trade stamps worldwide. Therefore it is important to be able to identify a stamp by different catalogue numbers. Here you find lists of the catalogue correlation of the leading international catalogues Michel, Stanley Gibbons, Scott and Australasian Stamp Catalogue. These lists are most helpful to correctly identify PNG stamps.

These lists are still under construction!

If you detect any errors, please do report them.
If you have other ideas of improvement, please do let us know.

Despite all our effort, we do not guarantee the correctness of the attached lists.

example for catalogue correlation: 10/-sh  Rabaul of 1963

Stanley Gibbons 44 - Michel 38 - Scott 162 - ASC 50
Briefmarke Papua Neuguinea Michel Nummer 38 Rabaul