Relief Postmarks

One of the specialties of PNG are relief postmarks. These are used ....

  • when the regular datestamp is defective
  • when opening a new post-office before the regular datestamp is available
  • when a post office has need for an additional datestamp.

Different types of relief postmarks were used in PNG. They are listed in the following pages according to places and dates used.

  • Australian PMGS DEPT QLD - AUST postmarks
  • POSTAL DEPT PNG postmarks
  • regular relief postmarks
  • special types of relief postmarks

Relief postmarks are used at different places according to need. Here you find LISTS of places and dates where the different relief postmarks were used.

PNG stamps used in 1942?

RELIEF Nr.5 10.FE42
Relief postmark no. 5 with wrong date 10 FE 42

To identify the place where a relief postmark was used is not always straightforward. At times it is only possible with registered mail because of the information provided by the registration label and the transit markings. The reason is obvious: wrong dates occur frequently in PNG as the illustrated cover shows.


Correct identification of the post office where the letter was posted is possible thanks to the registration label and the transit postmarks:

  • Lae 16.FE54
  • Melbourne 18.FE54
  • Camberwell 19.FE54

The "RELIEF NR 5" postmark was used in Kainantu at the opening of the post office from 20.05.1953 to 24.03.1954. Thereafter the regular datestamp was used. 
